How to install custom maps
This page will explain how to install custom maps and their dependencies.
Find your installation folder
- Right-click on PAYDAY 2 in your Steam Library and select "Properties..."
- Navigate to the "Installed Files" tab
- Click the "Browse..." button on the top right
(Optional) Make a shortcut of the PAYDAY 2 folder or add it to the quick access to instantly navigate to it if needed.
Install requirements
If you already have those installed you can skip this.
- Go to and follow the installation instructions over there.
Install Beardlib
- Go to BeardLib's GitHub page
- Press the big green "<> Code" button and select "Download ZIP"
Open the .zip file and extract the "PAYDAY-2-BeardLib-master" folder into the "mods" folder in your PAYDAY 2 directory.
* If you don't have a "mods" folder, simply create it.
Launch your game after each step and make sure they loaded properly.
Install custom maps
- Download the map you want to play
Open the .zip file and extract the folder inside into the "Maps" folder in your PAYDAY 2 directory.
* If you don't have a "Maps" folder, simply create it.
Make sure the folder structure is as follows:
PAYDAY 2 \ Maps \ *heist name* \ main.xml

Map specific dependencies
Some maps may require additional mods to run, those usually have their instructions on the modpage.
A few noteworthy dependencies are:
Contains custom contractor and contractor videos for heists created by PAYDAY 2 Maps.
- Download from here
- Open the .zip file and extract the "PD2MapsCore" folder into the "mod_overrides" folder in your PAYDAY 2 Directory located at:
PAYDAY 2 \ assets \ mod_overrides.
* If you don't have a "mod_overrides" folder, simply create it.
A library for custom gamemodes, most notably Zombie Mode inspired by the Call of Duty Black ops series. (Also currently the only game mode)
Doesn't have many maps yet and is generally in an unfinished state. Download from ModWorkshop here and follow the instructions on the modpage.
Advanced Movement Standalone
Adds Titanfall-like movement to PAYDAY 2.
Doesn't have many maps yet. Download from ModWorkshop here and follow the instructions on the modpage.