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Special Equipment

Cheat sheet for vanilla special equipment, listing IDs and icons. Taken from equipmentstweakdata.lua and hudiconstweakdata.lua.


  • equipmentstweakdata.lua
  • hudiconstweakdata.lua
  • tweakdatapd2.lua
  • interactiontweakdata.lua

  • A

    id icon localized string notes
    acid Muriatic Acid
    adrenaline Adrenaline
    alarm_clock Alarm Clock
    audio_device Bugging Device


    id icon localized string notes
    bank_manager_key Keycard
    barcode_brickell Barcode: Georgetown
    barcode_downtown Barcode: Downtown Washington
    barcode_edgewater Barcode: West End
    barcode_isles_beach Barcode: Foggy Bottom
    barcode_opa_locka Barcode: Shaw
    barrel Weapon Barrel
    blood_sample Blood Sample This uses the old PD:TH icon for some reason. Overkill made a new one for the PD2 remake but they did not implement it in the tweakdata.
    blood_sample_verified Valid Blood Sample This uses the old PD:TH icon for some reason. Overkill made a new one for the PD2 remake but they did not implement it in the tweakdata.
    blow_torch Blow Torch
    blueprints Blueprints
    boards Boards
    bottle Spiked Bottle
    bridge Metal Sheet
    briefcase Briefcase Fun fact: This equipment is defined twice in the tweakdata, but with different text_ids.
    briefcase_diamond Diamond Briefcase
    business_card Business Card


    id icon localized string notes
    c_keys Car Keys
    c4 C4 Adds 4 c4 to your inventory that can be stacked up to 4.
    c4_stackable C4 Adds 1 c4 to your inventory that can be stacked up to 10.
    c4_x1 C4 Adds 1 c4 to your inventory that can not be stacked.
    c4_x3 C4 Adds 3 c4 to your inventory that can be stacked up to 3.
    c4_x10 C4 Adds 10 c4 to your inventory that can be stacked up to 10.
    car_jack Car Jack
    cargo_strap Wire
    cas_bfd_tool BFD Tool
    cas_data_usb_key USB Stick With Guest List
    cas_elevator_key Elevator Maintenance Key evelator
    cas_sleeping_gas Sleeping Gas
    cas_usb_key USB Stick
    cas_winch_hook Winch Hook
    caustic_soda Caustic Soda
    chainsaw Chainsaw
    chas_keychain_forklift Forklift Keys
    chavez_key Chavez Keys
    chimichanga Chimichanga
    chrome_skull Chrome Skull
    circle_cutter Circle Cutter
    compound_a Compound A
    compound_b Compound B
    compound_c Compound C
    compound_d Compound D
    concoction Concoction
    corp_achi_blueprint ERROR: hud_carry_corp_achi_blueprint Does not have a localized string, as the player was never intended to see the popup for it.
    corp_key_fob Access Tag
    crowbar Crowbar
    crowbar_stack Crowbar Not much different from crowbar. Only difference in the code is, that this one has transfer_quantity = "4".


    id icon localized string notes
    defibrillator_paddles Defibrillator Paddles
    diesel Diesel no, not the engine
    documents Documents
    drill Drill


    id icon localized string notes
    equipment_blueprint Blueprints
    evidence Evidence


    id icon localized string notes
    fertilizer Fertilizer
    files Files
    fingerprint Fingerprint
    fire_extinguisher Fire Extinguisher
    flammable_liquid Flammable Liquid


    id icon localized string notes
    gas Gasoline
    gas_canister Gas Canister
    glass_cutter ERROR: debug_equipment_glass_cutter This uses an old texture and does not have a localized string. Use mus_glas_cutter or circle_cutter instead.
    globe Globe


    id icon localized string notes
    hand Hand
    harddrive Hard Drive
    help_keycard Keycard Does not get transferred to other players when going into custody or leaving the game.
    hotel_room_key Hotel Room Keycard
    hydrogen_chloride Hydrogen Chloride


    id icon localized string notes
    keychain Keychain


    id icon localized string notes
    lance Thermal Drill
    lance_part The Beast Drill Part
    laptop Laptop
    laxative Cleaning Product
    liquid_nitrogen Liquid Nitrogen


    id icon localized string notes
    manifest Manifest
    mayan_gold_bar Mayan Gold bar
    medallion Medallion
    mus_glas_cutter Glass Cutter


    id icon localized string notes
    notepad Notepad


    id icon localized string notes
    paper_roll Paper Roll
    pex_cutter Bolt Cutter
    pex_loaded_card RFID Tag
    pex_loaded_card_lvl_2 RFID Tag
    pex_unloaded_card RFID Tag (Unloaded)
    planks Planks
    plates Printing Plates
    police_uniform Police Uniform
    president_key Manager's Keycard
    printer_ink Printer Ink


    id icon localized string notes
    ranc_acid Hydrochloric Acid
    ranc_hammer Hammer
    ranc_mould Mold
    ranc_sheriff_star Sheriff Star
    ranc_silver_ingot Silver Ingot
    receiver Weapon Receiver


    id icon localized string notes
    saw Saw
    saw_blade Saw Blade Unused in vanilla PD2.
    The texture_rect for this icon is wrongly set up to show the unused glass cutter icon.
    You would need to hook into tweakdatapd2.lua or equipmentstweakdata.lua and manually fix this to be usable.
    Alternatively you can make a custom equipment.
    scubagear_tank_and_flippers Error: hud_equipment_scubagear_tank_and_flippers Unused in vanilla PD2.
    There is no proper icon or localization for this.
    You would need to add your own icon and hook into equipmentstweakdata.lua to replace it.
    Alternatively you can make a custom equipment.
    scubagear_vest Error: hud_equipment_scubagear_vest Unused in vanilla PD2.
    There is no proper icon or localization for this.
    You would need to add your own icon and hook into equipmentstweakdata.lua to replace it.
    Alternatively you can make a custom equipment.
    scythe Scythe
    server Server
    soda Soda
    stapler Stapler
    stock Weapon Stock


    id icon localized string notes
    tape Tape
    thermite Thermite
    thermite_paste Thermite Paste
    ticket Ticket
    tool Tool
    toolset Toolkit Unused in vanilla PD2.
    There is no proper icon or localization for this.
    You would need to add your own icon and hook into equipmentstweakdata.lua to replace it.
    Alternatively you can make a custom equipment.
    trai_container_key Key 42
    trai_usb_key USB Stick


    id icon localized string notes
    wanker_keys Car Keys
    wire Wires